Sunday, September 21, 2008

What a Soccer Player!

She is ready to make sure the other team does'nt score!
Playing defense is important to keep the score close! Madeline stays within her assigned territory!
She also gets involved on offense but I will let her mom tell us more!!
I was very proud of our little granddaughter today. !!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What a Girl!

I promised Madeline a few weeks ago that I would take her to get a toy to add to her "My Little Petshop" collection. Of course, she never forgets anything and we finally found time to go out to dinner and to get something. I gave her a budget to spend before going. I have to say that I was very impressed with the way she handled the limit as she kept saying things "now Grandpa you know" that we can "only get small or mid-size toys" or we "can't afford big toy's today". She also said that she had an "imagination" and would make a "Little Petshop Hotel" out of the display case that we ended up getting. She also was sure to point out larger items that she would like for her birthday and Christmas. A lot of kids her age would have asked for the larger items now. This little girl has very good reasoning and negotiation skills as she thinks ahead.

We went to Dairy Queen later and she was very well behaved and went out of her way to make sure that Grandpa was well taken care of.

I know that I am just an "old softie" but times like last night mean so much to me as I love my granddaughters so much.

I did'nt take any pictures to post with this however I just wanted to tell how much this meant to me and how proud I am of Madeline!